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Even though I know this game in an out, I sitll love replaying it again and again.
Such a great game! :-)

Thank you for the kind words :)


I did it on my friend's laptop and the lower lag let me get a new pb!

That's amazing!!




3minutes and 34secons



6minutes fun game

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Could u add engine to spin the cube like a truster

That would be fun x)




We need more games like this.

That's sweet, thank you :)







Couple Updates:
1) The document is up to date. I went back and reverified all screenshots. We did lose a video on youtube by someone but we did record the evidence at the time so the run stands. I also was able to get the dates for every time posted.
2) Sub 2:38? With the current route, sub 2:38 is not believed to be possible.  2:38 is too inconsistent with the current route that it is likely that the record is just barely 2:38 almost 2:39 which would explain why replicating it with the same inputs is so difficult.
3) Potential time save. I have explored a few options to make it easier to get through the full list of tasks once getting the become your own boss upgrade. The issue was that the list was so large. looking at the run, there was no reason to get spectators before upgrading the work money at the 10000 tier.   This means a whole big list of tasks is now wiped off the scrolling. However, it does mean more upgrade spamming later in the run. If a perfect upgrade spam input can be found 2:38 should be re-creatable. If that is proven possible,  this is likely the way of discovering a way to go below 2:38. Gonna do a decent amount of runs tonight and test things out. Hoping at the very least I can find a more replicable way of 2:38 without needing frame perfect timing. 


2:38 with new route without perfect game play. 2:37 may happen stay posted

(1 edit) (+1)

After further testing, it is quite inconsistent. I am getting a range of 6 whole seconds. This means there is a big range so that range may fall under 2:38. Gonna be working on this for a while I feel. (Seems to be an OBS issue slowing down the tablet. Gonna try recording with my phone. It won't be HD but it is the only way I think I can get it to work consistently) 


Amazing, keep us updated :)

(1 edit) (+2)

As of right now while this change makes 2:39 easier and to a lesser extent 2:38, it still isn't enough. I have tried many combinations now and still nothing. While I think it helps for consistency I am starting to feel less confident about time save. Still have more things to test but I just struggle to figure out how to get what tends to be a 2:39 down 2 full seconds with the options presented in this route. The thing I find interesting is that looking over my WR run I believe I was closer to 2:37 than 2:39 but I still don't see how to get that time any lower.


8:09 without working


4:56  without pushing (except at the very end because it is required)


2:48 100%



I want the 2:44 so bad.


(1 edit) (+2)

I can show you how I got this low on web if you want


It is a glitch with holding down buttons.


It happens when I hold down a button and switch tabs with Ctrl Tab

When I come back, the button is held down, but I lose about a second of game time from it, which sucks.

That's interesting :)

I believe you can also press 2 buttons at the same time by left clicking one and right clicking the other

(1 edit) (+1)

Touchscreen devices allow for  both buttons to be held down instantly while also allowing for clicking upgrades without having to let go. You can also ignore the Lower Taxes purchase for 800,000  at the end. Would love to see the times you could get with that switch. Also would be interested in seeing your purchase route as we have been trying to figure out the best route to see if sub 2:38 is possible. If you have the ability to record and upload to youtube a 2:45 (or close to) it would be great to see. Congrats on 3rd on our leadboard!


I would, but I am playing on a school laptop, so I need to find some way to video it, as screen recording software will not work well, but I will look for a way today. Also, I am using the upgrade route from your tied wr, but I will try some other stuff and calculate effectiveness.


My only issue with touchscreen devices is that the android version is incompatible with my phone, so that isnt really an option right now.


New PB!!!


don't lower worker salaries EVER


2:45 ON WEB!!!!!!!!!


New PB!!!


I think I am the GOAT of web.


New web pb 2:49



(1 edit) (+1)

Is this the fastest time ever on web?

GordonSine probably knows, but it's an amazing time in any case :O


3:22 on web



3:11 now




3:06 on web




7 mins 1 second great game


tried again and i got 3 mins 50 seconds. i am powerful.


That's almost too much power!


third try 3 mins 15 seconds =]



(1 edit) (+1)

4th try i took off 4 seconds. 3 mins 11 seconds. and i was checking something before i started buying upgrades SO I CAN DECREASE THAT TIME HOPEFULLY 


my 5th and final attempt: 3 mins 8 seconds. as far as i'm concerned it's unbeatable.


Here is the all-time leaderboard:

2:38 is currently the best time. I have theorised with the current route the best time probably lies at 2:36 but you'd need the propper screen and muscle memorie for scrolling. The reason for the time also has to do with touch screens. They allow for simultanious button presses. Unless someone finds a new route or a TAS is developped to test all possible routes 2:38 will not fall without hours of dedication to the current route.


LOL I loved this!! So fun and funny!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad you liked it! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

I like it a lot its very simple but it has that thing and hopefully they'll make a sequel very soon if raul moreno is seeing this keep it up and that the sequel is like pushing the square but its going to be in space Ill give it a 100 /10

PD: if im in the universe of this game before the universe colapsed i vote the guy for president i want to see a cube rotate and free pizza wuhuu!!


Thank you very much for the kind words, glad you liked it so much :)


Can you provide an Android APK directly to itch that doesn’t require Google Play Services? I specifically buy games from to avoid that.


Hey, I just added it to the Downloads list.

Let me know if it works for you :)


Thanks much, I beat the game today in 8 minutes and 31 seconds.

A couple of issues I noticed; much of the text was tiny and difficult to read on my screen and my device has an integrated gamepad which didn’t work so I had to use the touchscreen for everything. It’s an Anbernic RG353P.


Sadly I'm unable to fix these issues now, but thank you very much for the feedback :)


3:30 min


(1 edit) (+1)

Great game 4 mins 39 seconds, Please make an infinite version of this.

Thank you! It's technically infinite if you don't push x)


8 min

Not bad!


Fantastic game, I loved playing this. It wasn't too long, it was just the perfect amount of time.  I was able to vibe and play at the same time. Amazing, truly amazing. 

Thank you so much, makes me happy to read that :)


It was a nice game to play. It felt neither too short nor too long, just enough to have a taste of good idle game.

Thanks for the kind words!


beat game in 10 minutes

That's great!


The consequences of Aperture Science's portal gun.

What if a companion cube was a companion square that rotated too fast?

(2 edits) (+1)

 nice game, It's cute

Thank you!


no prob Bob 


how the hell do you download it on mac i even made it a .app file



Hey, I'm sorry for this, but I'm unable to fix it :(

Hopefully the web version works for you


Yes. The web version works. I suggest you make a clone of this except its infinite.


Oh my god. It was a cube this whole time???


What other secrets is the cube hiding from us...


its wild this got ported out of flash

Definitely seems like it x)


Really cute! I loved it!

Thank you very much!


Haven’t worked once, was a fun challenge!

That’s an original way to play it :)

Deleted post

I would love a second game like this but with a cube instead since at the end you can clearly see the square wasn't a square but a cube. 

(1 edit) (+1)

or it turned into a cube, wait did the square make the 3d universe?!?!?!

-starts absolutely freaking out-

The powers of the cube are still unknown...


Great, simple but effective. I liked the comments on the cards, definitly made upgrading more interesting.

Glad you liked it!


I love the ending.

Happy to hear that :)


okay, this is cute and well done. you made a lot of choices that, in a longer game, would wear out their welcome but in something this brief instead add to the charm. excellent work.

Thank you for the kind words!


8 minutes 40 seconds... good idle game

Thank you very much!


i like how they are just dancing XD


I would dance aswell!

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